domingo, 2 de julho de 2006

O que ando a ouvir

Para além de ter introduzido nos comentários ao último post da série "O que ando a ouvir" algumas sugestões audiófilas, o Vitor Az acrescentou por email um reforço numa sugestão particular (um autor já aqui mencionado pelo Sérgio, se não me engano).

Bugge Wesseltoft - New Conception of Jazz

"There is no musician or artist in the world that is not inspired by others. However, the important thing is to let inspiration develop, to work towards finding a unique means of personal expression. This is what I believe and is what I have always tried to achieve ... to find my own thing, my own voice. I dont want to be another carbon copy of any great musician, past or present: I don't see the point of that. There have been so many good things done before, but one must find ones own sound."
Moving, the most acclaimed New Conception o Jazz record came out in 2001. This time, Bugge took his live band into the studio, and recorded the album in one shot, without any overdubs. Except for Ingebrigt Flaten and Anders Engen, the band line-up had changed considerably for this record: Jonas L? on turntables and programming, Paolo Vinaccia on percussion and mixing, and Marius Reksj?bass. Saxophonist H嫯n Kornstad appears on one of the tracks. The result is 6 perfect tracks that effortlessly combine acoustic jazz and techno/house beats: this album perhaps possesses the ultimate nu jazz cool, and is undoubtedly the most accomplished album from Bugges New Conception of Jazz. The album embraces simplicity without sacrificing its jazz-informed intelligence. ( para ouvir)

E tu? O que andas a ouvir?

2 comentários:

Sérgio R disse...


Mónica (em Campanhã) disse...

eu nunca respondo porque ando sempre a ouvir uma misturada de coisas... todas mais ou menos antiquíssimas e não arranjo disposição para me pôr à descoberta da música de hoje. isso era dantes (quando "o tempo corria tempo"), quando ouvia rádio: saudades da vox...

descobri versões digitais de Tom Robinson Band, uma banda sinistra dos anos 70 que nunca mais tinha ouvido.

descobri um album dos New Order que se ouve inteirinho, vira-se o CD e torna-se a ouvir: Get Ready, de 96, creio ("we're like crystal").

e nunca me canso de Coldplay.